About Us
Best Neurosurgeon in Nagpur
Dr. Utkarsh Ghavghave is a Consultant Neurosurgeon & Spinal Surgeon in Nagpur. He had very well focused training from specialty specific Legends in Neurosurgery as well as with new generation Neurosurgeons around the world. He is trained in Neurosurgery form the pioneers and Stalwarts in this field. Also he is well trained in use of all new advanced minimal invasive modalities, and technology. His area of interest are-
• Intracranial and spinal tumors
• Head injury and Spinal trauma
• Endoscopic and Minimally invasive Neurosurgery
• Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Surgery
• Functional Neurosurgery

1. How does long brain tumor surgery take?
:- The length of time a craniotomy take is usually around 4 to 6, hours but can be longer.
2. How long does it take to heal after brain surgery?
:- It can take around one or two month to recover from brain surgery.
3. Can I drive after brain surgery?
:- If you have a craniotomy, you cant drive for six month to a year.
4. How long are you in the hospital after brain surgery?
:- The exact lengh of stay depend on many factors. Usually, its around to two to five days.

Endoscopic Spine Surgery- Towards an accurate surgery
Spinal cord surgery is recommended to people who have a problem in their disks. When the disks present in the spine gets dislocated

Excruciating spondylosis and its effective treatment
Spondylosis is simply termed as arthritis indicating degenerative arthritic changes in the spine. In the spine, degenerative changes.

Ruptured disc: Symptoms and treatments for cure
A ruptured disc or herniated disc has a number of hazard factors that can be controlled, together with the way of life choices, shock